

ACIOE Associates is an advisory services firm providing solutions in Strategy, Government Relations, Regulatory Affairs, Economic Development...

April 26, 2024

Healthcare Excellence Roundtable MedLab West Africa

ACIOE Associates partnered with The Nigeria Health Watch to host a Healthcare Excellence Roundtable Forum themed ‘Healthcare Infrastructural Preparedness – Focusing on Laboratory and Pharmaceuticals for Healthcare Emergencies at the Sub- National Level’ during the recently concluded MedLab West Africa event at the Landmark Event Centre Lagos. In his keynote address, Dr Bordiya Buma appreciated […]

April 26, 2024

MedLab West Africa Healthcare exhibitions at the Landmark Event Center Lagos, Nigeria

ACIOE Associates hosted high-level roundtable healthcare forums at the recently concluded Medic West Africa and MedLab West Africa Healthcare exhibitions at the Landmark Event Center Lagos, Nigeria. The Healthcare Excellence Forum was a pivotal platform for discussing strategies to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems at the state level in Nigeria. The forum drew […]

April 26, 2024

The ACIOE Healthcare Excellence Roundtable Medic West Africa

ACIOE Associates hosted The Healthcare Excellence RoundTable at the recently concluded Medic West Africa Health care exhibition. The interactive round table was held at Shiro Restaurant at the Landmark Center Lagos. Beginning with a keynote address from the Honorable Commissioner Borno state, Prof Baba Gana. He saluted the distinguished Commissioners and appreciated ACIOE Associates, the […]

April 18, 2024

Invitation: Healthcare Excellence Forum

Hello MEDIC West Africa Exhibitors, Policymakers, Government officials, healthcare professionals, private sector representatives, value chain experts, state actors, and delegates. ACIOE Associates is pleased to invite you to a specially curated high-level Healthcare Excellence Forum, where we will host state governors across Nigeria to discuss Pathways to Unlocking the Healthcare Value Chain at the Sub-national […]

March 28, 2024


  The digital gender gap, often termed the digital gender divide, highlights disparities in technology and internet access between different demographic groups. In Nigeria, this gap disproportionately affects girls and women due to challenges related to affordability, access, digital literacy norms, and safety and security. Gender stereotypes perpetuate the notion that technology is primarily for […]

November 30, 2023

The ACIOE Design Sprint Showcase Event 2023

In collaboration with the Edo State Government, ACIOE Associates conducted the Design Sprint Showcase Event in Edo State. The aim of the event was to help the public services evaluate the use of digital tools and processes which would eventually evolve into policies that would advance advocacy at different levels of decision making. The Design […]

October 24, 2023

ACIOE Associates Leads Change Agents Network Through Digital Transformation in Edo State

Establishing an effective and professional workforce in Edo State’s civil and public service, paying attention to the satisfaction and efficiency of its workers was the crux of the ACIOE Associates and partners powered 4-day Digital Sprint Design. The journey began with the objective to uncover a challenge that would create a significant impact with crafted […]

October 12, 2023

Celebrating Empowerment and Advocacy on the International Day of the Girl Child 2023

The ACIOE team was privileged to spend a day with the spirited young women at a public school in Abuja to mark and celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child 2023. Our outreach was not just a celebration, but an educational initiative. Through breakout sessions, these young minds delved into understanding a girl’s rights, […]

October 4, 2023

Culture and Diversity Day 2023 at ACIOE Associates

When people from diverse cultures work together, they bring with them a wealth of different perspectives, skills, and experiences. This allows learning from each other, solving problems more effectively, and creating a more vibrant and inclusive space. ACIOE Associates held its maiden cultural and diversity day celebration on Tuesday 3rd October 2023. The event was […]

March 31, 2023

Human Resources for Health Challenges and Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

Health systems function best with the right mix of adequate numbers of health workers. Improving health service coverage and realizing the right to the highest attainable standard of health depends on availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality . The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates a projected shortfall of 10 million health workers by 2030, mostly in […]

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